sábado, 23 de mayo de 2015

who knows?

And I'm there
Looking up at the sky
And I'm scared
Thinking 'bout the way that I
I don't understand
Anything at all
How it overtakes me
And I'm just so small
Do I stand a chance?

jueves, 7 de mayo de 2015

I fool myself somehow

Don't you cry tonight. Baby you got to believe you're better.
Promise you won't fret about it, you've done nothing wrong in our eyes !
Go ahead forget about it, because it's not worth it.
Don't keep asking why.. baby it's sad, but not all receive love songs.
Focus on the ones who respect you and who wish you'd do the same for yourself.
I'm sorry that you're feeling so broken, but it's not worth it.
It's not worth it.
Your skin so cold it is burning, I know you fear no one will ever hold you.
Remember there are others who love you, it may not be the way of your dreams..
But sometimes there are really no answers, so it's not worth it.
It's not worth it, no one's worth it.
Baby it's sad, but not all receive love songs, and baby you got to believe you're better.

It's sad, but not all receive love songs.

martes, 28 de abril de 2015

all for the love of you

you don't need me anymore.
I love you but enough is enough

lunes, 13 de abril de 2015

Oh, aren't you a sight for sore eyes?

I'm every Broken Heart.

Podría vivir para siempre perdida en mis auriculares. Es cierto, la banda sonora hace que todo se vea tan magnífico. Si tan solo pudieras ver como se ve la ciudad al caminar en la noche entre las luces, con la melancólica voz de Scott Walker en los oídos. Gritando cosas que nunca te voy a decir porque estoy tan casada, cansada de mi, cansada de esta ciudad, cansada de ti.
No me da la fuerza para seguir siendo fuerte, no me da la sonrisa para seguir sonriendo. 
Quisiera poder ser valiente lo suficiente como para vovler a ser feliz.
Pero ya llegarán los dias en que nada de esto importe, y eso me enoja tanto.

jueves, 2 de abril de 2015

Abril, otra vez

Para que no tengamos soledad.
Para que no tengamos nunca más soledad.